Yep, I have a countdown going. I'm ready to head back for awhile. I miss everyone and the U.S. on a whole. I really miss chicken! I can count on one hand how many times I've had chicken in the last 6 weeks (it's four). Plus, I've been sick a lot lately. I wasn't really sick last semester, but I caught a cold and ran out of American medicine. I still have a lingering cough, but it's mostly gone. Then, a long time ago my dentist told me that I might have room for my Wisdom teeth (I only have 2, both on the right). At the time, I didn't want surgery, so I decided to risk it. Well...I don't have room and they have been causing excruciating pain, but I haven't had time to have them taken out. I will do that sometime this summer. Anyway, 2 weeks after the cold, major toothaches. So, I wasn't sleeping, eating, and actually in tears because of the pain. I will take a cold for a month rather than a toothache for 24 hours. Anyway, it's better, but I'm careful when I eat. So...due to illness, I've been holed up in my apartment and that was starting to bug.
The weather is finally warming up (in China, I actually prefer warm, not hot, weather). I love going on walks-it's not as much fun here as home or England, but it'll do. Normally, I don't like taking walks here because everyone stares too much. Today, however, people still stared, but were much more friendly. Usually, if I notice them staring, I smile and say hello (in Chinese). Today, people actually smiled back or even said hello (in English). Plus, they blocked off parts of the road in front of the university-making it much more quiet and easier to walk without having to risk being hit by a car.
I'm still really loving my classes this semester-they're fun to teach and I can finally use all that knowledge from my undergraduate degree. We covered the British Romantics this week and I didn't even need to look up any research about Byron, Shelley, Wordsworth, or Keats-I have it memorized-dates and everything. I'm not sure if that's something to be proud of-basically just marks me as a nerd. As a little present to my sophomores (I already gave some to my juniors), my mom sent American quarters. The Chinese seem to be fascinated with foreign money. Anyway, it was really fun to watch them pick their new quarter.
Everything is blooming on campus, which is a welcome.
Giant strawberries-I got a large bag full for about $1.50. They were delicious!