Here are some pictures of our little snow. These are pictures from my bedroom window looking down at the backyard. To the left is the fish pond, so far, I've counted 8 fish. They're some type of goldfish, I think-6 of them are gold, 1 white, 1 black. They like to eat wheat bread. The little white one is kind of mean-he steals bread from the other fish when they try to eat it. The other picture is of the house and my little car.
I'm also including some pictures of Paris from when my mom, aunt, and I were there last month: the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame and the Rose Window, Sacre Couer, Arc de Triomphe. Sorry about the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame pictures, I don't know how to rotate them when uploading them.
My internship is still going really well. Right now, we're taking lots of measurements before we re-do the Pre-Raphaelite galleries. They're also going to repaint the galleries in a couple of weeks. While that's going on-we'll be working on the historical background for the painting panels.